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February 2002

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January 30

CW Multimedia Classes 0.2.0

Chris Wohlgemuth has released the CW Multimedia classes 0.2.0

These classes are for extending the MM subsystem of OS/2. They integrate the MMIO procedures for MP3 and OGG files written by Russel O'Connor seamlessly into the WPS. A new media folder plays any audio class known to OS/2.

Caching of information to speed up folder opening The media folder is a new wPS-class which plays any audio class known to OS/2. Drop shadows in the folder to build a playlist and play it using the usual play controls. By using shadows you may move your MP3 files without breaking the playlist contents. Try this with your favorite audio player.


Integrates into the WPS, full drag and drop Plays any audio file class New shadow class showing audio details in folder details view. Playlists (the folder contents is the playlist) Control playing using setup strings Audio device sharing


January 30

New version of Theseus released for Convenience Packages

New version of Theseus released for Convenience Packages

2002/01/29, Theseus updated for CP 2.

A new version of Theseus has been released to support the Convenience Packages. Users of Convenience Package 2 must use this release. This new version is known as Theseus4. To get this new version, select Theseus4 to get the executable. Run the program in a new directory and see the README file for install instructions. This version, unlike prior Theseus3 versions, does not use a device driver, and you may need to make changes in your CONFIG.SYS if you have a prior version of Theseus3 installed. Details are in the README file.

This new version will work correctly only with Convenience Packages (1 and 2). Use Theseus3 for other OS/2 version.

January 30

Sybari Antigen for Domino

Sybari has launched Antigen For Lotus Domino Version 6.0(Build 579) for OS/2.

"Antigen, a comprehensive antivirus, content-management, and e-mail security solution, today announced it has expanded platform support of its market leading technology to include Lotus Domino servers running IBM˙s AIX UNIX Operating System and OS/2. Antigen 6.0 for Lotus Domino running on IBM˙s AIX UNIX Operating System is available as a Beta release and Antigen 6.0 for Domino on IBM˙s OS/2 Warp is available as a licensed and evaluation download on Sybari˙s Website. "


January 29

IBM Names Palmisano To Succeed Gerstner As CEO

Samuel J. Palmisano -- the company's president, chief operating officer and heir apparent -- will take over the helm of IBM from Louis V. Gerstner, who will retire in March.

January 29

LogView 1.06

ws it-service, Wolfram Schmid updated LogView, a text and log file viewer program for OS/2 and eCS. LogView can trace files in realtime and is very quick. It can be used during program development to disply debug output or to show any other text file or logfile created by any arbitrary program.

New in this version:
- Now you can view TAB separated text files in up to 255 columns. The wide of each column can be modified and stored.
- Dialog to toggle between the one-column-view and the multiple-column-view.
- Now you can optional hide the column 'Line number' or 'File position'.

Web Site (english):

January 29

IBM taps Palmisano to replace Gerstner as CEO

"IBM's Palmisano, a decades-long IBM employee, is credited with leading a redesign of the company's entire server computer lineup, including IBM's adoption of more open industry standards such as the Linux operating system.

"Palmisano has been on the radar screen for the last few years and it would have been a major surprise if anyone but him had succeeded Gerstner," said Paul Carroll, author of "Big Blues," a book about IBM during the 1980s."

Fred A. Miller
Systems Administrator
Cornell Univ. Press Services

January 29

DFSee 4.14 released (CLONE & LVMSET)

New: CLONE amd LVMSET command and performance improvements

DFSee is the SWISS-ARMY-KNIFE for disk and filesystem problems. It has FDISK-like displays, analysis and recovery tools with powerfull FIX commands and UNDELETE for HPFS and NTFS.

Details can be found at:

Version 4.14 Adds CLONE and LVMSET command
-CLONE command to copy whole disks or partitions to another
-PRESTORE accepts explicit filename to use an other disk
-Added 'part -a' and 'part ++a' to display allocation maps
-Added display of HPFS bootdrive in Bootsector display
-Updated NTFS SLT and CHECK; Check now sets RC to #errors
-NTFS supporting sparse/compressed files in allocation
-Created DFSLDOS running in 310Kb = 317000 bytes (FDISK only)
-Minor change in dialog button colors for readability
-Added '-q' option to PART and DISK reducing displayed detail
-Performance improvement for CLONE, WIPE, SIM and WRIM commands
-'-S' global switch for 'shell' mode (disables quit and )
-New LVMSET command to set volumename, partitionname, add or remove from BM-menu and change/remove driveletter (hide)

Check the DFSHIST.TXT and DFSCMDS.TXT documentation for details.

Registering DFSee will give you the right to use all 4.xx versions and get support plus a reasonable amount of assistance by email.

But even more important, it enables further development of DFSee!

Regards, Jan van Wijk

January 29

Normal Player Early Release

Normal Player is an MMOS/2 audio and video player for OS/2.It supports any file format supported by MMOS/2. Unlike most players these days, the interface resembles a standard OS/2 PM application.

It is currently in the early stages of creation, so it of limited use, but it can actually play files. It has been released following the open source idea of "Release Early, Release Often". Any new updates will appear on the webpage.

Normal Player is distributed under the GPL and it written in Virual Pascal.

The webpage is:

Darwin O'Connor
Toronto, Canada

January 29

ICQ Lite Now Available

ICQ, the instant messaging program now owned by AOL, has just introduced a new version compatible with eComStation and OS/2 Warp. In fact, the new ICQ Lite runs within any Java-enabled web browser on any platform. Visit:

to launch ICQ Lite and/or to register for an ICQ account.

January 29


AiR-BOOT got updated to v0.27b.
This software is a boot-loader with about thousand features, 100% assembly, completely storing itself in MBR.

If you got a prior version of AiR-BOOT installed on your system, just make a new AiR-BOOT INSTALL disc and boot from it. You should get prompted, that you may update your copy of AiR-BOOT. Configuration will remain intact.

Fixes this time:
- 'Choose-Ur-Favourite-Boot-Letter' feature for OS/2 copied from PowerBoot
- Delay for entering setup fix for some current BIOSes that DONT SUPPORT standard BIOS functions. *ANYONE* should be able now to enter setup
- Changed lower text in AiR-BOOT Setup to reflect real license

Release-Version: 0.27b



January 28

File Commander Alpha 2.20

New File Commander Alpha 2.20 at

January 28

4Print for OS/2 version 0.2

4print2 Version 0.2 (21-jan-2002) for OS/2:

FREEWARE OS/2 shell for DOS 4Print program.

Allows 2-up and duplex printing to a LaserJet or DeskJet (or compatible) printer with support for long HPFS filenames. Requires OS/2 REXX. Source code included.

January 27

new kernels (0125)

A new kernel is available on IBM testcase site and on

From readme file :
"01/25: Fixed regression from DosDelete change where some files weren't getting deleted if DELDIR was set.
01/25 revision 14.086e
PJ28379 disallow alt-f4 and alt-f5 in the presence of altf1sec.cmd "


[Moderator's note: As always these are not officially supported by IBM unless they tell you to use them. Please send any followup to comp.os.os2.bugs on usenet. Also note that files are only on IBM's testcase for 2-3 days, so if you want to try these get them now. Make certain you back up any files replaced and don't try these on a production system. Read any readme file before applying any changes. You have been warned. ]

January 27

UPS Monitor v1.2d for APC Smart-UPS, Back-UPS Pro, and other smart UPS

UPS Monitor (OS/2 and eComStation) supports smart signaling UPS models from American Power Conversion (APC). See archive for details.

Program URL:

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