Virtual OS/2 International Consumer Education

March 1999

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An editorial view from Mark Dodel, editor of the VOICE Newsletter

Last month we told you about a campaign to join with Linux, BeOS, Solaris and other non-micro$oft operating system users to demand a refund if you are forced to purchase windows with a new pc started at February 16th was the official 'Windows Refund Day'. to my knowledge no one actually received any money back, but this was the start of a growing trend to demand a real choice in pc operating systems. This past month the VOICE board of directors was approached by members of IACT- The International Alliance for Compatible Technology to help sponsor their Freedom of Choice Project.

Freedom of Choice Project was created by James Capone at the Linux Info Website -, along with the International Alliance for Compatible Technology. It is all about spreading the word that there is a choice, and that pc users don't have to just take what is forced on them. By joining together hopefully we can convince the pc vendors to offer us a better selection of operating systems then windows95/windows98/windowsnt. Like that is any kind of choice to begin with.

VOICE is committed to choice so this seemed like a great fit, but we wanted input from our membership. I wish we could get a better turnout, but all votes received were in the affirmative, so VOICE has now signed onto the Freedom of Choice Project as a Project Associate. We have added a link to the project on our web site, and will keep the OS/2 community apprised of developments as this project matures.

Speaking of voting among our membership, in February, the VOICE board asked the members to vote on providing a network server box for use by the hosting site for future Warpstock events. Our membership voted in favour of this gift, but the Warpstock board has since asked us to hold off on this purchase as they pursue other avenues of providing a network server. The goal is for the Warpstock Network Administrator to have a server in advance so future events won't be hampered by some of the problems encountered at Warpstock98. VOICE is committed to assisting Warpstock, and will do so in any way we can. If not with a network server then we'll explore other ways of helping out. We will again have a presence at Warpstock99, and I hope to meet many of you there.

Last month VOICE put out the call for nominees for the Board of Directors positions of Marketing Director, Secretary, and Liaison officer. As of now, we have received no nominations. If you have any interest at all in any of these positions and want to help VOICE continue to thrive, please send a message to We cannot continue without your support and assistance.

In February/March VOICE sponsored several very interesting Speakup sessions that were actively attended. If you missed any, you can catch up by reading the transcripts at As always, if there are any special guests you would be interested in hearing from please drop us a line - This month on March 15th we host Peter Nielsen, who will answer questions on his upcoming 2.0 release of PMView. A must attend session will be held this month to announce the Warpstock99 site selection. The scheduled date is dependent on when the selection is made by the Warpstock board, but we have been told it will be in March. Finally on April 5th, we have a Speakup session scheduled with our good friends at Sundial Systems on one of their new OS/2 native applications Rover Pack -a new desktop navigation and enhancement product. Please be sure to check out the updated VOICE Future events Calendar in this newsletter or on the VOICE website at for more details on these events.

In this issue of the VOICE Newsletter we begin with a review by Peter Lazenby of Sokoban for OS/2 v1.01 . Have you heard about VNC? If not you can read all about it from Peter Lazenby's review of the PM VNC Viewer for OS/2. Then Tom Nadeau continues with "Y2K and the Search for Scapegoats -- Part 2" . And in the VIEW from the End(User), Don Eitner reviews PMView 2.0 - The Future of Graphics on OS/2.

Mark Dodel
Editor, VOICE Newsletter

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