Virtual OS/2 International Consumer Education

June 1998


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Interview with an OS/2 User

Next we interview James C. Gorman, Ph.D. Dr. Gorman does consulting in the human services area and with Church groups. He teaches in a variety of graduate, professional and adult education/training settings.

VOICE> Who are you? Please feel free to give as much or as little information as > you are comfortable with.

Dr. Gorman> I am a SOHO user of OS/2, using it primarily in my business. I am not a technically oriented person, but am able to negotiate and deal with more than elementary computer issues.

VOICE > What kind of business are you involved in?

Dr. Gorman> I have an independent teaching and consulting practice that services human service and other non-profit agencies, such as churches and voluntary associations. I use the computer in preparing teaching presentations and illustrations; proposals, analyses and reports for clients.

VOICE > Can you please describe your current use of OS/2 in your workplace? What kind of hardware and software are you using for OS/2?

Dr. Gorman> I have an IBM clone (486, 50mhz) with two hard drives (334Meg and 4.3G), SCSI controller, and 16 MEG of RAM. I use Microsoft Office 4.3 under WIN-OS2 (especially Word, Excel and Access) for the products in my business consulting, Quicken (DOS version) for my bookkeeping, Netscape for WEB search and e-mail communications, Disk Jockey for file management, Performance Plus for benchmarking my system, WARP Calc for on-screen calculating, Time Tracker for recording my billable time, FAX Works for OS/2 for sending and receiving FAXES, and IBM Anti-Virus for keeping my system clean.

VOICE > How did you decide to use OS/2? What features were considered important for this project(s)? What previous experience was there with OS/2 and other operating systems?

Dr. Gorman> I made the decision to use OS/2 (at the 2.21 level) because OS/2 was then the only system that was truly multi-tasking, because of its stability (crash-proof), and its ability to run OS/2, DOS and Windows applications. All of these reasons were important for my choice. Prior to choosing OS/2, I had only used MS-DOS and IBM-DOS.

VOICE > What other operating systems if any were under consideration or are used for your business? If you use OS/2 in conjunction with other OSes in any form of a network, how well does OS/2 work with these other systems?

Dr. Gorman> I am considering for the long run Windows NT. I don't have a network.

VOICE > Do you foresee continued/increasing use of OS/2 in this fashion?

Dr. Gorman> Yes, as long as I can be compatible with Microsoft Office. Most of my clients use this application, and I have to produce files that can be used by them. Currently, since my chip is only 50Mhz, I can't use Smart Suite for OS/2 which can produce files in Office 97 format.

VOICE > Are there any changes that you would like to see to OS/2 that would facilitate your continued use or expanded use of OS/2?

Dr. Gorman> Yes! Enable OS/2 to run Windows 95/97/98 applications, so that I can produce files and products that can be used by my clients.

VOICE > How have IBM's statements that they are targeting the medium to large business sector affected your work or your decision to continue using OS/2 for this/these task(s)?

Dr. Gorman> They make me nervous and depressed. Nervous, because I think IBM will not enable me to continue using OS/2. Depressed, because I see IBM's statements leading to the death of a good product.

VOICE > If IBM licensed another company to sell the OS/2 client to home/SOHO users, would it affect your usage of OS/2 (would you use more OS/2 clients for your work, etc)?

Dr. Gorman> If this other company enabled OS/2 to run windows 95/97/98 applications, I would be very happy to continue using OS/2.

VOICE > Do you know of any other sites using OS/2 in your industry?

Dr. Gorman> Unfortunately, no.


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