Virtual OS/2
International Consumer Education
July 1997
The News Page
July 25, 1997 - If you live in the Los Angeles, CA area, Warpstock is looking for
some folks to help spread the word about the Fall event. For one such promotion
they have sponsors to fund a table at the Oct. 5/6 Computer Marketplace show in
Pomona and will need dedicated OS/2 people to staff the table and help promote WarpStock.
This is a great opportunity to spread the word about OS/2 and WarpStock. For more
info check out
For those unfamiliar with WarpStock - this is planned to be "a community event
for the OS/2 users, developers and other support folks out there." It's an
opportunity to get together with other folks who use and enjoy OS/2 and learn more
about how OS/2 works and what applications are available now and in the future.
The dates are October 25-26, 1997 and the place AQMD Headquarters, 21865 E. Copley
Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765. For more information on WarpStock surf over to
July 18, 1997 - VOICE was pleased to co-sponsor with SofTouch Systems and Calinet
Solutions an IRC event, Soundoff with the Netscape. Both Dan Libby and Michael Kaply
of the Netscape Communicator for OS/2 team were available for live questioning from
a crowd of over 80 people.
Some of the many questions and responses included the following (note <ForU2Play>
is Michael Kaply and <danda> is Dan Libby):
Question: Will there be integration with the OS/2 desktop in version 4?
<ForU2Play> We will have at least the same level of integration as 2.02 and
<danda> Integration like IE integrates with Win*? No.
Question: Does the fact that there's no MSIE/2 allow you to take more time, to do
a better job?
<ForU2Play> Our timetables are based on windows timetables combined with quality
Out goal is to put out a comparable windows product with as high as quality as possible.
Not having competition doesn't affect that
Question: Are there any plans to add a WebMap like in WE to netscape/2?
<ForU2Play> no plans for a web map currently. History is much improved though
<danda> The History list in Communicator should provide most of the functionality
of WE's Webmap.
Question: Where should we be watching for news on the upcoming betas and screenshots?
<ForU2Play> the best place to watch is the netscape unofficial home page -
Question: When will Netscape Communicator for OS/2 be available?
<ForU2Play> oops, I meant september
<ForU2Play> end of august for beta
For the complete log of the entire online event go to
For a list of future Soundoff events check out the Soundoff home page -
July 16, 1997 - Due to WEBBnet and internet problems the general meetiing was cancelled.
July 7, 1997 - Well summer is here in North America. People are spending more time
outside and less time online. To accomodate that trend the VOICE board has decided
to forego the 2nd Saturday monthly meeting and the 4th Wednesday of the month meeting
as well. Starting in July VOICE will only hold meetings on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday
of the month. These will be at the usual times (8PM EDT - 00:00GMT). Feel free to
drop in and join our meetings.
July 2, 1997 - General meeting held on WEBBnet. No issues were on the agenda. Basically
discussed the recent announcement by SPG that they were dropping OS/2 support and
also discussed the recently started ProNews/2 beta from Panacea
Software -
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