Virtual OS/2 International Consumer Education
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Januar 2003

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December 26

Assembler for AVR-microcontrollers

This is freeware (released under GPL) macroassembler for AVR-series of microcontrollers. English version. Compiles code written for Atmels AVR DOS assembler Generates Intel Hex, Motorola S-record, Generic and binary output. Atmel object files compatible with Atmel's AVR Studio. More than 100 warning/error messages. Supports macros and macros in macros.

Program URL:

December 26


Enhanced OS/2 port of well known unix cd writing tools.

December 26

WarpGoGo 1.10

New version WarpGoGo 1.10.

"WarpGogo is a (GUI) Graphical User Interface for the MP3 encoder Gogo-no-coda. With support for MMX,3DNow!, and SSE multimedia instructions available to modern CPU's. Gogo-no-coda offers improved encoding speed. Unfortunately, Gogo-no-codafor OS/2 is available only as a text mode aplication. WarpGoGo simplifies the use of this encoder, and adds some service functions."

December 25

Spellguard - French & German dictionaries on Hobbes


I have just found French & German dictionaries for Spellguard on one of my old archive CD's and have uploaded them to Hobbes. These dictionaries were made by some good soul years ago; I have used the German dictionary with good results but never the French. The readme together with the archive mentions the "combine" program that can be used to make a combined EN-DE dictionary, but this I haven't been able to find. I suspect that a similar effect could be had with copy /b but I haven't yet tried that.

You can currently find the dictionaries here:

Simon Wright

December 25

New WarpVision GUI drop

+ added RealVideo 1.0/1.3 (native)
+ added switch to show full path in Control window and Playlist window
(switched via settings)
+ added show info at Movie window title bar
(customized via skin settings and can be switched off)

* cache enabled back (except mp3 audio)

Program URL:

December 25

Smart Cache 0.79. HTTP proxy server and more

Smart Cache 0.79. is full-featured proxy caching server with some (now 21) SPECIAL features for faster, increasing privacy and offline web browsing. Good replacement for badly designed browser's cache. Supports SSL and HTTP/1.1. Main features: URL filter (no adv. banners), download files in background for later browsing, cookies filter, caching of 'noncachable' pages, multiple logs, can fake Referer, User-Agent and Cookie headers, fast operation, very configurable garbage collection, data can be compressed for diskspace saving, regexp support, download machine support, marking pages offline for refresh or download, cached data can be shared between OS/2, Linux, MacOs and Windows. Can be also used for web forwarding or transparent proxy. Proposed directory for placement: /pub/java/apps/internet/www

Program URL:

December 25

Dani drivers

ATAPI filter driver, V0.3.13

CD boot filter driver, V1.0.2

IBM1S506 replacement

December 24

GIMPS client for OS/2

Finding the 5 largest known primes. GIMPS - The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search.

Program URL:

"GIMPS requires a Pentium class computer that is on most of the time. The program runs at the lowest possible priority. You should not see any impact on your system's performance. The program will use about 8MB of memory and about 10MB of disk space."

December 24

ZOC 4.10

A Powerful Terminal Emulator and Telnet/SSH Client for Power Users!

December 23

RexxMail build 20021223.141337 released.

A new build of RexxMail is available from my web site:

where you can also view the RexxMail on-line tutorial, and the readme, history, changes, and tips 'n' tricks files.

The distribution ZIP file is also available from the Hobbes repository:

For an explanation of the major changes in this release, see the changes file at:

RexxMail is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, see:

Best regards,

Marcus de Geus

December 23

z! update

theres a (small) z! update available @

z! is a free mp3 player for os/2, tip of the day:

z! has a built-in stream finder (internet radio stations), press 'h' and type in a search string such as techno or rock and it will display streams matching what you typed in.

best regards,
- dink

December 22

NetGamePack v1.0a released

NetGamePack v1.0 alpha release is available for download from

December 22

Warpdoctor plug-in and status

The Rexx Plug-in now released as version 1.00. It is packaged as a WarpIN install.

The documentation has been completed. There is now a user guide, programmer's guide and programming reference.
The plug-in and documentation can be found at

Any questions, comments or bugs reports can be directed to me.

We are intending to use the Rexx Plug-in to solicit the input and perform the transfers and CGI program execution as needed.

All information, menus and screens/pages in the WarpDoctor site will come from data stored in the DB2 database and streamed to the browser using CGI programs. The data will be stored in the database in compressed format (gzip) and streamed to the browser as is, identified as Encoding: gzip. For those few users (and you know who you are) using older browsers not capable of handling compressed data streams the CGI program will decompress the data before streaming to the browser.

Where we are at:

Having researched some EPM/HTML packages I have not found one that both looks promising and works. (I have some that looked good, and some that worked, but not at the same time)

Therefore the final steps are:

1) Write Rexx program for the plug-in that
a) for new data gets a unique identifier from the database
b) for changing existing data - downloads data to client
c) executes EPM with our macro and the input or change file

2) Write some Rexx macros for EPM. The macros will
a) add menu items (and hopefully toolbar buttons) for
- view the HTML file
- opens/updates a browser window with file contents
- save file to database. This will
- scan the file file img src=... tags
change the src value to a database query token
gather local image files into a list
- send HTML file and image files to server
- invoke CGI program on server to import data

3) Write the DB2 triggers and table definitions that insure that the image rows associated with an HTML row are deleted when the HTML row is deleted.

4) Write a small DB2 CLP program that crams the data from the files into DB2 table(s)

The end is in sight.

Douglas Clark

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