Virtual OS/2 International Consumer Education

March 1999

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Letters, Addendum, Errata

February 20, 1999 - Here's a response to the "Rumors, Rumors Everywhere..." article by Wayne Swanson, from last month's Newsletter -

I just read your letter in Feb '99 VOICE and I agree whole-heartedly. I love OS/2 (though I work in the MIS world of M$oft) because it is stable and gets the job done without a lot of fluff - and I'm still using plain 3.0! (not even Connect!)

I do think that IBM can come out ahead with such a third-party deal(Stardock?) because the climate *is* right. Linux (which I have been experimenting with) has gained considerable momentum in both development and media attention, prompting many end users to have a look. However, being more difficult to install and use than other OSes (is that a word? :) ), I think many users will look to Warp as the best alternative - stable and proven in a wide variety of applications (like *nix), but easier to install, manage and upgrade. Also, as you point out, apps from other vendors would be more readily available (plus, hopefully, a collection of freeware apps).

Anyway, just wanted to echo your point of view. Hope to see more articles from you - I'll listen!

BTW, don't feel bad, my wife doesn't listen to me either.

John K. Nealy, III

February 18, 1999 - Here's a letter from Shafik Mahomad about last month's Newsletter article on XFREE/86 by Rob Fargher -

Just a short note to thank you for a super article !

It was really interesting to read it. I myself have installed Xfree86/OS2 in my Warp4 system just very recently, although it was a long (somewhat painfull) process in order to figure out all the needed settings, the configuration options, etc etc.

Unfortunately for me, this article came about 2 weeks late :-)) but I'm sure it will help somebody else out there struggling to get Xfree going :-)

Anyway, right now I'm struggling with window managers, I tried to install a few, and now I have one which I can't fully exploit or customize. and I just can't figure out that bash window... thing.... er... whatever that is...

It also nice to hear what other people are doing with Xfree, I myself am planning on dabbling with Gimp and 3D modelers or renderens...

An article on setting-up new window managers and cleaning up after being done with it, would be most helpfull (wink , wink :-)

Thats about it !

Thanks again !


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