Active GUI element
Static GUI element
WPS object
Command line
Entry-field content
[Key combination]
How to create a Database using Lotus Smartsuite
Part 5
Arthur van Egmond lives in the Netherlands. He is married but doesn't have any children yet. He works for the government in the department of Social Security and his main job is to keep the client computers up and running. His first experience with OS/2 was with version 2.1. Since then he upgraded to eCS 1.2. He owns or at least has seen nearly all versions.
Welcome back. Thanks for joining me in our tour through creating a database using Lotus Smartsuite. Today we continue with our main database Movies.
The last time we created the input form. We adjusted the list form and we created the forms Dvdregion, Help, Print, and Explanation. There was no more time to create macros, etc. We will see if we can do this today.
Anyway, this time we are going to create at least the following forms:
- Sort
- Extra info
- Search
- Actors
Sort to Order
Let's start with the Sort form. The quickest way to create the Sort form is to copy the Print form that we created last time. We will be using the same font size for our text. So make a copy of the Print form and rename this to Sort. Adjust the header on this screen to Sort screen.
Now we have to ask ourselves the question On which fields do we want to sort our database?
We can set a default sort
so when the database is opened it is automatically sorted by this field. We should have the option to sort the database at least by
these fields:
- Title
- Genre
- Release year
- Movie ID
Although it is possible to sort by every field, you should ask yourself if that is really necessary. Why do you sort your data in a certain way? To access information very quickly. What are the most common things you want to know? I think the fields mentioned above.
Let's add text fields. We can first adjust the present text fields and add two more. Create these fields:
Sort by field | W | H | T | L |
Title | 4.25cm | 0.75cm | 1.25cm | 0.25cm |
Genre | 4.25cm | 0.75cm | 2.00cm | 0.25cm |
Release year | 4.25cm | 0.75cm | 2.75cm | 0.25cm |
Movie ID | 4.25cm | 0.75cm | 3.50cm | 0.25cm |
For now we are finished with this form.
In Search of . . .
Now we can create the Search form. This is a duplicate of the Input form but before we duplicate the Input form, it's wise to create buttons and macros first. Otherwise we would have to add them twice, and I admit that I'm a little bit lazy. :-)
Create the following macros:
Macro | Key | Command |
First | - | record - goto first record |
Last | - | record - goto last record |
Previous | - | record - previous record |
Next | - | record - next record |
New | - | record - create a new record |
Delete | - | delete - delete current record |
Show All | - | find - find all |
Find | - | find - goto find and wait for input |
- | view - print | |
Help | F1 | view - help |
Close | - | close |
Dvdregion | - | view - dvdregion |
Sort | - | view - sort |
Explanation | - | view - explanation |
List | F3 | view - list |
Input | F2 | view - input |
Create the buttons for First, Last, Previous, Next, New, Delete, Show All, Find, Print, Help, and Close. Look for the position and size in the contact database, apply the macros and add text to the buttons. Remember to use your styles as this saves you time. When you have finished the buttons, you can copy the Input form. Change the header to Find and change the form and pagename to find.
Actors and Extra Info
Now we are going to do the Actors form. I save the Extra Info form for the last because it takes quite some time to organize.
Create two new forms: Actors and Extra info. Set the form to show this form as dialog.
On the Actors form and the Extra info form, change the background, pagename and margins. Create a rectangle with the parameters below on both forms. Use the same color for the fill color as the background color.
Parameter | Value |
Width | 20.0cm |
Height | 7.00cm |
Top | 0.00cm |
Left | 0.11cm |
Draw a horizontal line with the following parameters:
Parameter | Value |
Width | 20.0cm |
Top | 1.00cm |
Left | 0.11cm |
Line width | 0.50 point |
Color | yellow (button color) |
Draw a text box with the following parameters and the text Actors for the movie:
Parameter | Value |
Width | 4.00cm |
Height | 0.50cm |
Top | 0.25cm |
Left | 0.25cm |
Color | green |
Fillcolor | none |
Border | none |
Borderline | none |
Now draw a box:
Parameter | Value |
Width | 6.00cm |
Height | 0.75cm |
Top | 0.15cm |
Left | 0.50cm |
Color | yellow (button color) |
Fillcolor | none |
Borderline | hairline |
Put the field title inside this box. Make the field title Read-Only in this form. Now add the following fields:
Field | W | H | T | L | Layout |
Actor01 | 5.00cm | 0.50cm | 1.25cm | 5.00cm | same as other fields |
Actor02 | 5.00cm | 0.50cm | 2.00cm | 5.00cm | same as other fields |
Actor03 | 5.00cm | 0.50cm | 2.75cm | 5.00cm | same as other fields |
Actor04 | 5.00cm | 0.50cm | 3.50cm | 5.00cm | same as other fields |
Actor05 | 5.00cm | 0.50cm | 4.25cm | 5.00cm | same as other fields |
Release Year | 2.50cm | 0.50cm | 5.00cm | 5.00cm | same as other fields |
In front of these fields draw a text box with the text Actor 01, Actor 02, Actor 03, Actor 04, Actor 05, and Release Year. Use yellow as font color like it is the label of the field.
Draw the following lines with a width of 0.5 point and yellow color (button color):
Type | W | H | T | L |
vertical | - | 6.05cm | 1.00cm | 10.0cm |
horizontal | 9.89cm | - | 1.86cm | 0.11cm |
horizontal | 9.89cm | - | 2.62cm | 0.11cm |
horizontal | 9.89cm | - | 3.73cm | 0.11cm |
horizontal | 9.89cm | - | 4.12cm | 0.11cm |
horizontal | 9.89cm | - | 4.87cm | 0.11cm |
horizontal | 9.89cm | - | 5.61cm | 0.11cm |
Draw a text box Other info with the following parameters:
Parameter | Value |
Width | 3.50cm |
Height | 0.50cm |
Top | 1.25cm |
Left | 10.5cm |
Now as we did with the Storyline on the first page we need to create a box
for the
Other Info
Draw the following hairlines:
Color | Type | W | T | L |
darkgray | horizontal | 9.25cm | 1.75cm | 10.5cm |
black | horizontal | 9.24cm | 1.77cm | 10.51cm |
darkgray | vertical | 5.00cm | 10.5cm | 1.75cm |
black | vertical | 4.99cm | 10.51cm | 1.77cm |
white | horizontal | 9.25cm | 6.75cm | 10.5cm |
lightgray | horizonal | 9.24cm | 6.73cm | 10.51cm |
white | vertical | 5.00cm | 1.75cm | 19.75cm |
lightgray | vertical | 4.99cm | 1.77cm | 19.72cm |
Finally create the Other info field:
Parameter | Value |
Width | 9.17cm |
Height | 4.93cm |
Top | 1.78cm |
Left | 10.54cm |
fill color | none |
border color | none |
borderline | none |
Create two buttons:
Button | W | H | T | L | Macro |
Close | 2.50cm | 0.50cm | 6.00cm | 0.25cm | create macro close1: view - switch to input |
Explanation | 2.50cm | 0.50cm | 6.00cm | 3.00cm | (use macro already created) |
Now on the input screen do the following:
Create a button with the following parameters:
Table 13. Input screen, button parameters Parameter Value Width 2.50cm Height 0.50cm Top 9.00cm Left 12.5cm - Create a macro Actors: view - switch to actors
- Adjust the fill color of the button to the background color (do not use transparent, otherwise your button will not work).
- Adjust the font color to yellow.
Now, the button is part of the input form and not part of the menu.
On the Explanation form, add a button Close (create a macro Close2 with the command view - switch to actors).
Testing Actors
Now save the Approach file and test the buttons.
Click on Browse. In the input screen, click on Actors. If correct, you get the new screen you just created. Now click on the Explanation button. As you can see the Actors form disappears and the Explanation form appears. Click on the Close button. When correct the Actor form appears again while the Explanation form disappears. Click on the Close button to return on the Input form.
Extra Info, Cont.
Now we can do the Extra Info form.
You can copy and paste the horizontal line (see Table 4) from the Actors form to the Extra info form. Also copy and paste the text field Actors for the movie. Change the text to Extra info for the movie and position it at the same location. Copy and paste the box around the Title field as well as the title to the Extra Info form. Our header is now finished. We can now add the fields and labels on this form.
We need to add all the region, audio, language, subtitle, and format fields. Therefore, we need five squares to divide the screen into equal portions.
Draw four vertical yellow (button color) hairlines:
H | T | L |
5.00cm | 1.00cm | 4.00cm |
5.00cm | 1.00cm | 8.00cm |
5.00cm | 1.00cm | 12.0cm |
5.00cm | 1.00cm | 16.0cm |
Now you can copy and paste the horizontal line at a top offset of 1.50cm and 6.00cm. This is the layout we will be working with.
Create text boxes with a yellow font color and alignment set to center:
Box | W | H | T | L |
Dvd Region | 3.89cm | 0.50cm | 1.50cm | 0.11cm |
Audio | 4.00cm | 0.50cm | 1.50cm | 4.00cm |
Language | 4.00cm | 0.50cm | 1.50cm | 8.00cm |
Subtitle | 4.00cm | 0.50cm | 1.50cm | 12.0cm |
Format | 4.00cm | 0.50cm | 1.50cm | 16.0cm |
Now create text boxes with a yellow font color and left alignment, and insert a space character in front of the text. The semicolon and the text are two different text boxes.
Field | W | H | L | T |
Region 01 | 3.00cm | 0.50cm | 0.11cm | 1.50cm |
;(semicolon) |
0.50cm | 0.50cm | 3.00cm | 1.50cm |
Region 02 | 3.00cm | 0.50cm | 0.11cm | 2.50cm |
; |
0.50cm | 0.50cm | 3.00cm | 2.00cm |
Region 03 | 3.00cm | 0.50cm | 0.11cm | 2.50cm |
; |
0.50cm | 0.50cm | 3.00cm | 2.50cm |
Region 04 | 3.00cm | 0.50cm | 0.11cm | 3.00cm |
; |
0.50cm | 0.50cm | 3.00cm | 3.00cm |
Region 05 | 3.00cm | 0.50cm | 0.11cm | 3.50cm |
; |
0.50cm | 0.50cm | 3.00cm | 3.50cm |
Region 06 | 3.00cm | 0.50cm | 0.11cm | 4.00cm |
; |
0.50cm | 0.50cm | 3.00cm | 4.00cm |
Region 07 | 3.00cm | 0.50cm | 0.11cm | 4.50cm |
; |
0.50cm | 0.50cm | 3.00cm | 4.50cm |
Region 08 | 3.00cm | 0.50cm | 0.11cm | 5.00cm |
; |
0.50cm | 0.50cm | 3.00cm | 5.00cm |
Region free | 3.00cm | 0.50cm | 0.11cm | 5.50cm |
; |
0.50cm | 0.50cm | 3.00cm | 5.50cm |
I think you get the idea. Now insert text labels for Audio, Language, Subtitle, and Format (look at the fieldnames if you don't remember what to call them :-)) at the appropriate places. Start at left offsets of 4.00cm, 8.00cm, 12.0cm, and 16.0cm.
Now that all the field labels are in place let's add the fields. Drag the fields Region01 through Regionfree somewhere on the field. It is best to put them under each other, Region01 in top and Regionfree at the bottom.
On the Basic tab of the properties box, change the data entry to checkboxes, set the checked value to Yes and click OK. Set the font to Gill Sans 10. (Because it's a checkbox you cannot change the background and font color. Well, you can set it to any color but the background remains white and the fontcolor black.) Change the width and height to 0.50cm. Use a sunken relief. Position them at a left offset of 3.50cm, and top offsets of 1.50cm, 2.00cm, etc.
Do the same for all other fields.
Now we are going to do something neat. We are going to be sure that only one of PAL (Europe) or NTSC can be selected. Why? Well, in my opinion a movie can only be one of the two. I have never seen a DVD or videotape or whatever that has the two standards on one media. To do this we need to create two macros.
Name | Command |
PalNtsc | movies.formatpal = not movies.formatntsc |
NtscPal | movies.formatntsc = not movies.formatpal |
When you name the macro and choose the command set click on formula.
- Under fields, select FormatPal
- Under operators, select = and select not
- Under fields, select formatntsc
Do the same for the other macro, only then use formatntsc as the first field.
Select the field FormatPal and apply the macro PalNtsc. Then select the field FormatNtsc and apply the macro NtscPal.
Create two buttons:
Name | W | H | T | L | Macro |
Close | 2.50cm | 0.50cm | 6.25cm | 0.25cm | Close1 |
Dvdregion | 2.50cm | 0.50cm | 6.25cm | 3.00cm | Dvdregion |
On the tab Dvdregion create a button:
Name | W | H | T | L | Macro |
Close | 2.50cm | 0.50cm | 0.25cm | 6.00cm | Close3, create new as view - switch to Extra Info |
On the Input form create a button like the Actors button:
Name | W | H | T | L | Macro |
Extra Info | 2.50cm | 0.50cm | 8.50cm | 12.5cm | Extra Info, create as view - switch to extra info |
Save the approach file and test these buttons as well.
For now we have done enough.
Next time we will finish our database.